@inbook{ Matilla-Vázquez_Daniels-_DEL_Busch-_Lacal-Romero_Segura-Carnicero_Ramos-Martin_Krell-:345-360,

author = { Miguel Ángel Matilla-Vázquez and Craig Daniels- and Mª TERESA DEL CASTILLO SANTAELLA and Andreas Busch- and Jesús Lacal-Romero and Ana Segura-Carnicero and Juan Luis Ramos-Martin and Tino Krell- } ,

title = { Genetics of Sensing, Accessing and Exploiting Hydrocarbons },

booktitle = { Cellular Ecophysiology of Microbe: Hydrocarbon and Lipid interactions, Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology },

isbn = { 978-3-319-50541-1 },

publisher = { Springer },

pages = { 345 - 360 },

year = { 2018 },
