@Article{ Rata-Aguilar_Segovia_JÓDAR_Ramos-pérez_Borrós_MARTÍN_ORTEGA:339-346,

author = { Azahara Rata-Aguilar and Nathaly Segovia and ANA BELÉN JÓDAR REYES and Víctor Ramos-pérez and Salvador Borrós and ANTONIO MARTÍN RODRÍGUEZ and JUAN LUIS ORTEGA VINUESA } ,

title = { Complexation and release of DNA in polyplexes formed with reducible linear poly (ß-amino esters) },

journal = { Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces },

year = { 2015 },

volume = { 133 },

pages = { 339-346 },

doi = { http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927776515003665 },
