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M. Pedrosa Bustos, P. Graván Jiménez, J. Peña-Martín, M. Kanduc, A. Moncho Jordá
M.J. Gálvez Ruiz,
" Anticancer drug-cell membrane interactions by Langmuir monolayers and Molecular Dynamic simulations", "VI Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras en Coloides e Interfases ", None-None, 2023
A. Patti
"Buscando la fase nemática biaxial o el ¿Grial¿ de los cristales líquidos. Un viaje de ida y vuelta entre moléculas y coloides", "Ciclo de conferencias "Fronteras de la Física"", None-None, 2023
J. Lopez-Molina, A.B. Jódar Reyes, I. Adroher Benítez, J.M. Peula Garcia, A. Moncho Jordá
M. Tirado Miranda,
"Dynamic light scattering applied to soft systems out of thermal equilibrium", "Física de la Materia Condensada", None-None, 2023
M. Pedrosa Bustos, P. Graván Jiménez, J. Peña-Martín, J. Maldonado Valderrama, M. Kanduc, A. Moncho Jordá
M.J. Gálvez Ruiz,
"Exploring the interactions of anticancer drugs with real and model cell membranes: a multidisciplinary approach using Langmuir films and Molecular Dynamics simulations", "Interdisciplinary challenges: From non-equilibrium physics to life sciences ", None-None, 2023
M. Pedrosa Bustos, P. Graván Jiménez, J. Peña-Martín, M. Kanduc, A. Moncho Jordá
M.J. Gálvez Ruiz,
"Improving Langmuir monolayer studies of anticancer drug interactions using real cell membranes and Molecular Dynamics simulations", "2nd MOSBRI Scientific Conference ", None-None, 2023
A. Moncho Jordá, M. Bley, P.I. Hurtado Fernandez
J. Dzubiella,
"Non-equilibrium active switching of soft colloids: microstructure, phase behaviour and heterogeneous dynamics", "XII Reunión de la División de Física de la Materia Condensada de la RSEF", None-None, 2023
A. Moncho Jordá, M. Bley, P.I. Hurtado Fernandez
J. Dzubiella,
"Nonequilibrium active switching of soft bistable macromolecules: structure, dynamics and phase behavior", "XXVII Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics - Nonequilibrium Phenomena: from Quantum to Macroscopic Scales", None-None, 2023
P.F. Ibáñez Ibáñez, A.C. Ospina-Patiño, C. Antonini, F.J. Montes Ruiz-Cabello
M.A. Rodríguez Valverde,
"Relaxation of sessile drops on PDMS surfaces", "9th Bubble & Drop Conference", None-None, 2023
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024