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Juan Luis Ortega Vinuesa
MARZO 2009
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Producción científica

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Lista de congresos

A. Rata Aguilar, J. Maldonado Valderrama, J.L. Ortega Vinuesa, A. Martín Rodríguez and E. Wagner,  "Influence of the hydrophobic moieties of Poly(amidoamine)s on the condensation process and on the morphology of polymer/plasmid DNA complexes ", "XV congress of the Spanish Biophysical Society", None-None, 2015
A. Rata-Aguilar, A.B. Jódar Reyes, A. Martín Rodríguez and J.L. Ortega Vinuesa,  "Formation and stability of programmed biodegradable polyplexes", "Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery Symposium 13' ", None-None, 2013
A. Rata-Aguilar, J.L. Ortega Vinuesa, A.B. Jódar Reyes and A. Martín Rodríguez,  "Sinthesis and characterization of degradable and biocompatible poly(¿-amino ester)-DNA complexes", "5th Iberian Meeting on Colloids and Interfaces", None-None, 2013
A. Rata-Aguilar, A.B. Jódar Reyes, A. Martín Rodríguez and J.L. Ortega Vinuesa,  "An investigation on the physicochemical properties of polymeric carriers as gene delivery systems", "Second Workshop on Advances in Colloidal Materials", None-None, 2012
A. Rata-Aguilar, N. Segovia-Ramos, A.B. Jódar Reyes, V. Ramos , J.L. Ortega Vinuesa, S. Borrós and A. Martín Rodríguez,  "Physicochemical characterization of polyplexes based on low molecular weight poly(beta-amino esters)", "ECIS 2011", None-None, 2011
A. Rata-Aguilar, A.B. Jódar Reyes, M.J. Gálvez Ruiz, J.L. Ortega Vinuesa and A. Martín Rodríguez,  "POLYMER-COATED NANOEMULSIONS AS POTENTIAL DUAL CARRIERS OF NUCLEID ACIDS AND ANTI-CANCER DRUGS", "International soft matter conference", 264-264, 2010
P. Sánchez Moreno, H. Boulaiz Tassi, J.A. Marchal Corrales, J.L. Ortega Vinuesa, J.M. Peula-García, M.J. Gálvez Ruiz, A. Aranega- and A. Martín Rodríguez,  "DOCETAXEL-LOADED NANOCAPSULES AS A DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM AGAINST BREAST CANCER CELLS.", "International soft matter conference", 724-725, 2010
P. Sánchez Moreno, H. Boulaiz Tassi, J.A. Marchal Corrales, J.L. Ortega Vinuesa, J.M. Peula-García and A. Martín Rodríguez,  "INMOBILIZATION OF ANTIBODIES ON LIPID NANOCAPSULES FOR DIRECTED DRUG DELIVERY. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION.", "BIO-COAT () (.2010.ZARAGOZA, ESPAÑA)", 10-10, 2010

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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